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Grief & Honoring Your Own Emotions

Sep 26, 2023

I’m so excited to be back again for another solo episode! This episode is a little bit more vulnerable and mental-health focused, but I hope you all get a lot out of it!

In the last few months I had been going, going, going until my life hit a sudden stop.


My energy was constantly drained and I felt like I was always dropping the ball. I found myself constantly in negative energy and it made me wonder, “Why am I doing this to myself?” 


Topics we cover: 


Caring for someone you love when they are facing serious health problems is hard and it can take quite the toll on you. 


Sometimes when we are in a lot of guilt and shame, we can find ourselves stuck in that mindset. 


Growth and becoming a new person can be scary, but it’s good for us. 


Find evidence of times in your life when you have shown strength so that you know you can do it again.





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